Video Poker Glossary
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Class III Gaming
card games played against the house, slot machines, dog and horse racing, jai alai, and all other types of casino gaming. The National Indian Gaming Commission's (NIGC's) authority includes review and approval of Class III Gaming management contracts. Class III gaming is regulated by compacts negotiated between tribes and states. (
Expected Value
The first moment of a random process, also known as it's mean or average value, and often given the symbol &micron;. In gambling, the Expected Value can be computed for a game itself (example: JOB video poker has an Expected Value of 99.54% when played with a Max-EV strategy) or a particular instance (example: in PKM video poker, the dealt hand with the highest Expected Value is trips) or the entire playing situation (by including the value of cash back and comps, if any). For video poker, Expected Value is usually expressed in percentage units, whereas a game that is exactly break even has an Expected Value of 100%, and a positive game has an Expected Value of greater than 100%. However, other units may be used, including fractional units, or real currency. Expected Value is generally used interchangeably with Expected Return, Return, and sometimes Expectation and long-term return.
International Game Technology
Manufacturer of video poker games, including Game King Video Poker, Spin Poker, Super-Times Pay Poker and Multi-Strike Video Poker.
See also: Game King, Spin Poker, Super-Times Pay, Multi-Strike.
Well known variant of "Deuces Wild 44" video poker game with an EV of 99.73%. See Deuces Wild 44 paytable.
Risk of Ruin
The probability that, given a certain bankroll, a gambler will be ruined. For video poker, the Risk of Ruin is generally computed for an infinite number of hands, since the computation easier, though it can also be computed for any number of hands. However, if the number of hands is not specified, it is assumed to be infinite. The (infinite run) Risk of Ruin is always greater then zero for video poker, including positive games, since the variance is always non-zero. For all negative expectation situations, the Risk of Ruin is always 100%. That is, regardless of the bankroll, a gambler who plays a bad game will eventually go broke. The Risk of Ruin decreases as the size of the bankroll in betting units increases. Hence, decreasing game denomination (unit or wager) at a fixed bankroll decreases Risk of Ruin.
See also: Survivability.
Abbreviation for Ugly Ducks.
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