South Point Casino
Las Vegas, NV
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27 days ago
VP Removed
MIA: (4) 25¢ : 99.45% BDW and 25¢, 50¢, $1 : 99.62% DDW, 99.20% LDW "Gaughan Wild" machines in front of Showroom Bar
Jun, 2024
The "Gaughan Wild" machines have gone missing again.
7 months ago
VP Added
New: (4) 25¢ : 99.45% BDW and 25¢, 50¢, $1 : 99.62% DDW, 99.20% LDW on "Gaughan Wild" machines in front of Showroom Bar
Jan, 2024
The "Gaughan Wild" machines have returned to the floor. They were missing for awhile but are now back in their previous location in front of the showroom bar.
11 months ago
VP Removed
MIA: (4) 25¢ : 99.45% BDW and 25¢, 50¢, $1 : 99.62% DDW, 99.20% LDW on "Gaughan Wild" machines in front of Showroom Bar
11 months ago
VP Removed
MIA: (2) $1 3/5 Play : 99.64% Bdlx beside wall in front of hotel registration
11 months ago
VP Removed
MIA: (2) $1 : 99.45% BDW Spin Poker beside wall in front of hotel registration
11 months ago
VP Removed
MIA: (2) 25¢, 50¢, $1 3/5/10 Play and Spin Poker : 99.54% JoB beside wall in front of hotel registration
11 months ago
VP Removed
MIA: (2) 25¢ : 99.54% JoB Triple Spin Poker beside wall in front of hotel registration
about 1 year ago
VP Added
New: (2) 25¢ 3/5 Play Wheel Poker Quick Quads : 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB, 98.98% DDB, 99.54% JoB against outside wall of high limit area
about 1 year ago
VP Removed
MIA: (1) 25¢ 3/5 Play Super Times Pay Wheel Poker : 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB, 98.98% DDB, 98.45% JoB against outside wall of high limit area
about 1 year ago
VP Removed
MIA: (1) 25¢ 3/5 Play Prog Wheel Poker : 98.39% JoB Wheel Poker Progressive against outside wall of high limit area
May, 2023
The original Wheel Poker Quick Quads machines have returned with the same paytables they had previously. The newer Wheel Poker machines were there for about two months.
over 1 year ago
VP Removed
MIA: (2) 25¢ 3/5 Play Wheel Poker Quick Quads : 99.54% JoB, 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB, 98.98% DDB against outside wall of high limit area
over 1 year ago
VP Added
New: (1) 25¢ 3/5 Play Wheel Poker Super Times Pay : 99.17% BP, 99.11% DB, 98.98% DDB, 98.45% JoB against outside wall of high limit area
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