Plaza Hotel & Casino
Las Vegas, NV
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Aug, 2019
Both bars now have some machines with lowered paytables.
Jul, 2019
From a Plaza player: "Noticed that a few of the video poker machines at the far end of the 1st Bar were no longer full pay. I think most still are, but always concerning when you see the start of down-grading."
Oct, 2018
The three slant-tops just outside the bingo room have been moved to the main floor against the outside wall of the security podium. These have the good paytables - 9/6 Bonus Deluxe, etc.
Sep, 2016
The two machines with 25c and higher 10/7 DB (100.17%) no longer give any points.
Aug, 2016
Free play can now be downloaded on all video poker even on the machines with good games at the Omaha Bar and on the banks beside the Sportsbook Bar. But it doesn't work on any of the old coin machines by the slot club.
Jul, 2016
The one 50c 100.65% Joker machine is still there, but I don't know for how long. The screen is getting very dim.
Apr, 2016
The $5 games have been removed from the four machines by the slot club in the high limit area. They still have $2 games on those machines but with paytables like 9/5 DDB. I did not see any other $2 or higher video poker there.
Apr, 2016
The $5 games have been reinstated now that the W2-G bonus promotion is over.
Sep, 2015
Revised host list per Plaza website.
May, 2015
Host list has been updated.
Nov, 2014
In addition to earning points for free play or comps, players have a separate comp account. See slot club or a host to access it.
Sep, 2014
The Plaza/Las Vegas Club Royal Rewards royal flush bonuses (10% - 100% based on card level) have been discontinued. But the Plaza has announced that they are upgrading video poker paytables, including some 10/7 DB. Details will be posted as soon as they are available.
Sep, 2014
The Plaza/LVC redemption rates have changed from 200 points per $1 (0.167%) to 250 (0.133%). Still $3 coin-in to earn a point on video poker. Tier matching for new members continues.
Apr, 2014
The royal flush bonus (10% - 100% based on card level) is now limited to $1000 per jackpot.
Jan, 2014
Double points for the top two card levels at the Plaza and Las Vegas Club are now for reels only, not for video poker.
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